
By tridral

Tocynnau bws Kurt Schwitters

Tocynnau bws Kurt Schwitters ~ Kurt Schwitters' bus tickets

Merz paintings are abstract works of art. The word 'Merz' essentially means the totality of all imaginable materials that can be used for artistic purposes and technically the principle that all of these individual materials have equal value. Merz art makes use not just of paint and canvas, brush and palette, but all the materials visible to the eye and all tools needed.. ..the wheel off a pram, wire mesh, string and cotton balls – these are factors of equal value to paints. The artist creates by choosing, distributing and reshaping the materials.
― Kurt Schwitters

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Am rhai rheswm rydw i wedi dod diddordeb iawn yn y gwaith ac agwedd o Kurt Schwitters. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod dechreodd e, efallai yn fy niddordeb mewn Dada fel ffurf ar gelfyddyd. Ond ble dechreuodd y diddordeb hynny?  Diddordebau pop allan o unman, a'r cyfan y gallwch chi ei ddweud yw 'mae hyn yn ddiddorol i mi'.

Felly, credodd Kurt Schwitters
(1887-1948) bod rydych chi'n gallu gwneud celf allan o unrhyw ddeunydd: darnau o bren, tocynnau bws, deunydd lapio siocled, unrhyw beth. Gwnaeth e ludweithiau, cerfluniau, paentiadau, ayyb, gydag unrhyw beth ffeindiodd e. ‘Celf’ yw sut rydych chi'n gweld y byd, yn farn a'ch creadigrwydd eich hun.

Creadodd e gair ‘Merz’ am ei gelf. Y gair wedi dod o ddarn o bapur wedi'i rwygo oedd dweud ‘Kommerz’.  Felly ei ffurf celf, a'i enw yn dod o bethau a ffeindiodd e.

Y prif beth (rydw i'n meddwl) yw ffordd rydych chi'n edrych ar y byd. Daw popeth yn fyw gyda photensial celf, nid oes dim yn sbwriel na gwastraff, mae popeth yw'r ddeunydd crai ar gyfer gwerthfawrogiad artistig.

Felly heddiw, rydw i'n cynnig y gair ‘Erdash’ ar ôl yr arddull o ‘Merz’, diolch adran trin gwnïadaeth John Lewis, ac, wrth gwrs Kurt Schwitters.

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For some reason I have become very interested in the work and attitude of Kurt Schwitters. I don't know it started, maybe in my interest in Dada as an art form. But where did that interest start? Interests pop out of nowhere, and all you can say is 'this is interesting to me'.

So, Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948) believed that you can make art out of any material: pieces of wood, bus tickets, chocolate wrappers, anything. He made collages, sculptures, paintings, etc., with anything he found. 'Art' is how you see the world, your own opinion and creativity.

He coined the word 'Merz' for his art. The word came from a torn piece of paper saying 'Kommerz'. So his art form, and his name comes from things he found.

The main thing (I think) is the way you look at the world. Everything comes alive with the potential of art, nothing is trash or waste, everything is the raw material for artistic appreciation.

So today, I offer the word 'Erdash' after the style of 'Merz', thanks to John Lewis' haberdashery department, and, of course Kurt Schwitters.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Darn o ‘haberdashery’
Description (English): A fragment of ‘haberdashery’

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