Monsal Trail and Magpie Mine

A day full of variety today. In the morning we went cycling on the Monsal Trail, an 8.5 mile long decommissioned railway line. Luckily we made a stop at the Thornbridge Estate. We were able to eat and drink something in the café. From the terrace we had a good view of the children's playground. The sensation is the old fountain with plastic ducks to fish out. Before we went on, we visited the amazing garden (and we were almost alone).

In the afternoon, we made a detour to the Magpie Mine. This can be reached on a footpath and the following explanation can be found on the internet:
It was the last working lead mine in the Derbyshire orefield and is one of the best surviving examples  in the UK of a 19th century lead mine. The mine has a fascinating history spanning more than 200 years of bonanzas and failures, of bitter disputes and fights resulting in the “murder” of three miners, and a Widows’ Curse that is said to remain to this day.

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