Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Blipper, blipped.

Here waipushrink,with the assistance of S, is examining his blip. Well, it better still be his blip, otherwise mine loses some of its point. xP

Anyway, day 2 of the RANZCP Congress today. This taken at lunch with my parents. Large here. - And colour here.

On the train this morning I read Walter Irving's "Sleepy Hollow". Unfortunately I found it a bit meh, really. The writing style (like a story being related after the fact, at a campfire or something, I suppose) didn't grab me, and the story was always heading to a fairly predictable end - with some of the hinted at interesting hints left rather irrelevant. Ah well, it used up the train trip, and was still better than Facebook. ;-)

Before I started it I abandoned Amazon Adventure, by Willard Price. I did love all his "... Adventure" books as a kid, but now ... writing's clunky, attitudes are a bit dodge ... and the writing's clunky, did I mention that? I'm sure the story's just as cool as it once was, but I didn't feel like wading through it any further.

Darling Harbour was very misty this morning, but I thought particularly with the connection to waipushrink's blip, this was the one to go for.

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