Windmill 'De Eersteling', Hoofddorp

'Eersteling' = 'Eyrs-tuh-ling' = 'First One' (maybe 'Eldest one') -- 'eyrst' = first
'Hoofddorp' = 'howft-dorp' ('howft' with the 'o' of 'soap')
'Hoofddorp' literally means 'head village' or, in this case, 'main village'
Indeed, linguistically related to the German 'haupt' or 'head'.  But enough.

A very late hunting trip because I waited till cloud radar gave the thumbs up.  An extra from another angle!  In any case, the fine weather meant no traffic jams anywhere along my route.  Hoofddorp is very close to Schiphol Airport, though, so it was busy overhead with the whooshings of departures and controlled breath of landings.  Extra shot!

Five points if you spot the horses.
Twelve points if you spot the heron.

This long Ascension Day weekend has been much more relaxing than the May break two weeks ago.  Very thankful.  The rest of the time -- gaming, colouring, and occasionally checking the Assignments page to see if anyone had turned in anything, as fair weather to hit the road is also fair weather to do some checking.  Might as well ride the motivation wave, no?  But there is nothing yet.  I did note, though, that more students had viewed the assignment, even some who don't have to do it.

Kitchen duties, and I might do some ironing later.
The bookkeeping I didn't do after all might also get started on.  In the meantime, what a lovely evening.

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