Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Last Supper

The Mistress's daughter has gone off to Spain to a conference, and her boyfriend to work. So the goodbyes were said this morning, and spending a quiet day packing, repacking, shopping, going to the police station to get insurance form for lost glasses, and having a wonderful lunch on the canal - dutch pancakes and white beer, followed by Dutch Apple Cake.

Amsterdam has thrown on a hot sunny day to say goodbye, spring is finally in the air with seeds everywhere blowing off the trees. The birds are singing joyously and loudly and we don't want to go home to NZ and the cold snap/snow they're having.

The Mistress remembers Amsterdam doing this to her last time she was here as well - crappy weather, except for the very last day :)

Flight out is at 9pm tonight, and we're having a couple of days in Singapore, to laze around a pool and perhaps go to the singapore zoo.

The Mistress feels very tired today so about to have a final snooze before going to the airport.

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