
By Ellem

Out and about

Change of scene today, went along to Broughty Ferry to meet some old Army buddies for a coffee and a chat. It was a good catch up, one of the guys brought some photos so there was a lot of ‘Is that me?’ And ‘What’s his name again?’
Then tonight was the last class of my online writing course. I’ll miss it but there will be another course in the autumn that I can sign up for and in the meantime I can look back over all the pieces I’ve written up to now and tidy them up. I intend to do a bit of writing over the summer, following my preferred method of keeping to about 500 words per piece. I’ll miss class and the others but we’re hoping to meet in person next month when one of our group is visiting from America and is going to be in the area for a couple of days.

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