Rain and more rain

Ferocious downpour late morning as Dave and I left Didim, having been, with Graham, to the notary, and the tax office for the legal stuff required as somehow, at the complex' owners AGM on Sunday afternoon,  we three were once again nominated and voted in by others as the management committee for the coming year June 23-24.. Not sure I even made a comment about whether or not I was willing and I certainly don't remember casting a vote...  

Back home, and a farewell cuppa with Dave on his balcony as he + his two eldest return to UK later today. By the time I left them, around 13.30, the Didim rain had arrived here so Rufus and I got wet in the moments it took to get home. 

Sunny by the time Dave left for the airport at 5.30 and Rufus and I went walkies. 

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