Gardening - another rant!!

This is the communal courtyard where we live. It's shared between 12 properties. We never use it because we have our own outdoor space in the form of our very lovely sun terrace.

However there is a rota for gardening etc. Each property owner has been allocated a month when they do the gardening. Our month is June when everything is growing like mad! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ann doesn't like gardening. Ann doesn't like neighbours who don't take their turn.

In theory what should happen is................................ Every property owner should weed the courtyard, cut back any plants/weeds that need cutting back, weed around the edge of the car park area and pull out the weeds that grow in between the paving slabs on the upstairs walkway.

If for any reason they cannot do that, they have to pay someone to do it.

If every property owner did this then it would not look like this just before June!!!!!

In reality what happens is ........................ people either don't do it, or they lie and say they've done it when it's blatantly obvious that they haven't.

Last week Ann made a start on the back fence that was covered in ivy because it was obvious that 'Miss May' wasn't going to do her turn. Today she spent an hour getting rid of all the ivy & weeds around the compost bin.

It's starting to look good. But that's not the point. If March/April/May had taken their turn then Ann would probably only have a couple of hours work to do to maintain it. Two hours once a year is not a lot!!!!! Ann reckons the courtyard is going to take at least another four hours work to get it looking half decent and that's before she even ventures into the car park or onto the walkway. It's very, very irritating.

The problem is ........................... more than half the properties here are 'holiday lets' and as such all the 'work' is left to 3-4 owners who live here all the time because the 'holiday let' owners think things get done by magic. Obviously 'Miss January & February' I'm not including you in this rant because you have paid Ann to do your turn.

Anyway at our AGM last week, which was attended by Ann & two others, they made the decision that before/after photos had to be taken, (shown to either Ann or one of the two others), and if the work hadn't been done by the middle of the month then they'd just organise someone to do it and invoice them. Motion carried!

Still doesn't stop Ann feeling really annoyed that there's so much work to be done in June!!!

Anyway rant over.

There's still a teeny, weeny corner of our sun terrace that is very sunny so Ann's going to sit out there for half an hour with a glass of wine. Or she might sit out the front on her wine drinking chair.

Cheers. x

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