Old Town

Yet another 'street' photo from the Old Town district of Albuquerque.

Today is National Escargot Day!
Beyond knowing that they are cooked snails, many people really don’t have any idea what escargot, or National Escargot Day, are all about. Try out these fun facts to help educate the world in their love for this delicacy: 

Escargot is often served as an appetizer, to be eaten prior to other courses of a full meal. 

Apicius, who was the author of the world’s oldest surviving cookbooks, has a recipe for snails in this book (aged 1 century BC to 2 century BC). 

About 1 billions snails are served in restaurants each and every year, and about 40,000 tons of these are consumed by French people, as expected. 

The scientific realm of growing snails to be used for food is called Heliculture.

So, why do the French eat escargo?  They don't like fast food.

This photo is for Tina...

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