Windmill 'De Korenhoop', Meliskerke

The name 'Korenhoop' was given as late as 2016 by schoolchildren attending the local primary school.  It's a corn mill and the previous miller's name was 'Wim de Hoop' (you know now that 'hoop' sounds like and means 'hope', but could also mean 'heap'), so the name is a combination of those two elements.  Actually, though, a 'heap of corn' wouldn't be a bad interpretation either.  The mill itself, though, was built in 1801, so for more than 200 years, it had no name.  While it can still function as a corn mill, it is also a pretty decoration in the owner's front yard.  I like the cute little gate.  The house itself also functions as a B&B.  In Zeeland, B&Bs have become essential for the local economy and the mill is a fabulous way to advertise one's location.

Went to work, worked, went back home, then the hunt.  At work, today was the last day of lecturing, and it was plenary, but only a handful attended.  It is their own responsibility.  I was, however, able to point out a few more problematic grammar conventions.  We never really teach English grammar at our university because it is a school of applied sciences, with the emphasis on practical applications and not on theoretical principles.  The students have to study English grammar on their own, but as I'd already covered all the practical stuff, I could make time for grammar last week and today.

Nice bit -- I was phoned by the two employment agencies I'm registered with.  The one I'm working for now has a possible opening right now up to the very end of the schoolyear, as a lecturer has fallen ill.  Would I be willing to take a second job on my otherwise free days?  Yes.  It'll just be for a month and will net me some badly-needed extra income.  The curious thing is that this second school has close ties with my current university and the subject matter is the same -- hotel and restaurant management.  The requirements will differ, though, and the level of the students as well.  Let's go grab it, Ellaphant!  But of course the school has to approve my credentials as well.

Thankful for wonderful hunting weather.  Thankful for extra chances.  How these things work out amazes me, especially as there are millions of other people who are less lucky.

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