Meniere's Disease

For several years H has suffered from bouts of severe dizziness, these can wipe her out for days on end. she has been back and forth to doctors and specialists and was first diagnosed with Meniere's a couple of years ago. This was then changed to a balance disorder. The dizziness has been really terrible since December, H describes it like being on a boat, constantly, that coupled pressure in her ear and sinus pain......

So she has been back through the process and has again been diagnosed with Meniere's, she had an MRI scan last week to rule out anything else (we were hoping they would find a blockage that could be removed which would magically make everything work again) but no.

So she is stuck with it, not good news and although it could clearly have been worse we now have to understand what triggers it and how to control it. Hopefully the dizziness and pressure will go soon. Then we just have to wait to see if it comes back.

Life is a rollercoaster, well that how it feels to H.

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