
By Martigan

In the Naughty Corner.

I forgot this membership's (free) restricted and I can neither crop down to "NAUGHTY CORNER" only nor add the extra I had in mind.

SOMEBODY goofed.

It seems the day remained, the time was changed.  Apparently some of the ladies were averse to a night meeting.  We, in the Naughty Corner, were not informed in time/at all.  I found out the OiC is in the early stages of Vascular dementia - SO - it's entirely conceivable the poor bloke thought we'd all been told.

The bulk of us apparently had, and turned up @ Lunch-time - BUT - Willy, Mo, Possy & I turned up @ about 19:00.  None of the Ladies are ex-NTGS, they're wives/friends.

Despite being a splinter group Willy claimed it was the best reunion he'd been to and vastly preferred a round Table, enabling conversation in all directions.

I don't know how I fared, but of the other three, (Possy not in shop) I think Possy's best preserved of the lot, Canada must be a healthy spot to dwell?

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