Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

My head hurts...

I rarely need to research bus operators pre-1930, they don't figure in my West Coast Motors book, or so I thought.  In 2016 WCM bought Perrymans, a bus operator in Berwick upon Tweed, that complicated my publication dates!  I added another year for this new venture to bed down and me to write a small chapter about it.  No sooner had that happened than they bought two more small independent operators in Galashiels.  All was under control but then FirstBus of Falkirk sold out their First Eastern Scottish division and WCM grabbed it and things became very complicated.  I discovered that way back in the 1920s a local entrepreneur Harry Book started buying up Borders buses (strangely, the name of the WCM company).  He became extremely successful and sold to SMT who sold to the Scottish Bus Group who sold to Lowland Scottish Buses who sold to Grampian Regional Travel who sold to FirstBus who sold to Craig of Campbeltown who own West Coast Motors who launched Borders buses.

Anyway, the Blip shows some of today's research - and the chapter still isn't finished.

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