
I went to the lake and, it being Flower Friday, focused on the wild yellow irises. Then I saw that there was a giant something that turned out to be a blue heron. I took a bunch of pictures of it, it started walking, and I realized it was walking toward a fisherman. It stared at the fisherman and at some point the fisherman began, perhaps not realizing it was there, walking toward it! It finally got close enough that the heron flew a bit away and a while later the fisherman gave up on fishing and left. The heron proceeded to do an excellent job of fishing. 

Putin's arrest of his nuclear scientists has, according to a letter written by their colleagues at the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Novosibirsk, dissuaded the best students from working with them. "...our best young employees are
leaving science. A number of research areas that are
critically important to laying the fundamental groundwork
for the aerospace technology of the future are simply
closing because employees are afraid to engage in such
research." Putin has driven off hundreds of thousands of its most talented, and now he is terrifying those who remain. 

Zelenskky made a surprise address to the class of 2023 at Johns Hopkins University at their commencement. 

Ukraine's newest renewable energy project was completed by mid-March. None of the workers building it were killed or injured. 19 wind turbines with a capacity of 114 MW  began to generate electricity. The wind farm officially opened this week. 

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