Paneum museum

Beautiful sunny day and we had lunch early and went to this extraordinary museum on Bread! The chap who created it is a private citizen and extremely wealthy and having started off making bread beside his dad he moved into discovering the history of bread and bread making and artefacts that were created for them and used by them! He collected them all through art markets and auctions! He would fly to different places to buy important objects! The building itself was made of wood overlaid with steel and looked a bit like a space ship stranded in the countryside


When a baker short changed the public they could have this mask put on and have to stay shackled for a day and pilloried! The bowl was the one that executioners gave their prisoners a last meal in, mainly bread soup, to show them that the execution wasn’t personal and so that they hopefully would not haunt you for life!
Our reflections in a mirror!
A bagel is the trade mark of bread makers!
The spiral staircase taking you up to the higher levels! This was lined with art of various periods depicting bread and how valuable it can be!

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