
Cat sitting again …
I left in a blizzard last time and today it was positively Mediterranean! It took forever to get here with slow traffic around Foulshaw, then the road blocked at Foxfield. Once here and sorted I made a beeline for Silecroft and went on an optimistic search for Gutterby Spa Well. No luck. It is supposed to still be visible at low tide but it was on the rise by the time I got there.
I decided to join the terns and took the plunge and the water was wonderfully warm and sparkly. Then I headed back wading through a frothy creamy white sea of flowering sea kale.
… always makes me think of …

As I went to leave on the only route out the way was blocked by a tractor and trailer that had smashed the railway crossing barrier so neither trains nor vehicles could pass. As we were all gathered round pondering our predicament there was some argy bargy when the Network Rail man showed up and a woman said the signalman had waved the tractor through after the lights were flashing and that this happens all the time. Tensions running high in Silecroft. The Network Rail chap managed to clear the way and we all went on our way and the cat was happy to see me back … I think.

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