
By LynnH


"People" is not a subject I usually photograph so thought I would push myself, plus I wanted a black and white shot.

Have been talking about nostalgia lately - connected to my new venture so wanted to create something that could be timeless. I am quite pleased with the result, but want to have a go outside in a better setting.
Used The Boss again as my model, he's getting quite good at it now.

On another subject but sort of linked, today a bank lost our business. We had a great meeting and compared to other banks we had seen I liked what they were offering and maybe would have chosen them as my first choice.
But as we left the person we had met with turned her back, walked away and started chatting to her colleagues rather than accompanying us to the door. I know its not much, but I was always taught my first boss that when meeting clients or dealing with customers you always took them to the door out of politeness. Maybe I am just old fashioned?

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