Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Not a Repeat of Yesterday's

Looking at the same exact angle as yesterday, but oh this is such a different view. Like last night, I looked toward the front room and just happened to see the last of the sun's brightness, so out the front door I went.

This has been such a fun evening! On my way home from the campus, I received a text from my friend Peg. She wanted to remind me that this evening at 8:00 on our local PBS television station we could see the Carole King concert from the White House which happened just a week or so ago when King was honored with the George Gershwin Award. It was a terrific performance with lots of other artists doing her songs as well, artists like James Taylor and Billy Joel. The concert and some extras can be seen on the PBS website.

So many of the songs on the soundtrack of my life can be attributed to Carole King. She is a significant song writer/singer. She is also an obvious encourager of other musicians. She is fun to watch.

We're on the eve of a serious celebration day here at Fun-ville. We both have to work tomorrow, but the second we can get free of all responsibilities, we'll be on to the "celebration of two" enjoying a parade of memories and hoping to find a little bit of shoreline, possibly in Laguna Beach, which is one of our favorite places.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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