Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

Harry Styles...

...the aftermath.
Ok, so I knew there would likely be some feathers around the place after two nights of Harry Styles at Murrayfield, but I was not prepared for how many!! I went on a circular 45 minute walk this afternoon, and no stretch of road or pavement was untouched by feathers - there must've been THOUSANDS. The part of Roseburn park near the turnstiles, as well as the grass just inside the stadium gates on the other side, were absolutely peppered with feathers of all the colours of the rainbow. I wonder what Bruce's fans will leave behind tomorrow!
Didn't hear much of Friday's HS gig from my flat, but on Saturday it was incredibly clear - could hear him talking to the crowd! 

On the plus side, I did see some more orange tip butterflies along the river today!

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