Abernethy Cottage Life

By Keir

Meconopsis grandis

You have to like these things. No idea what I did right over winter but they have all come back stronger and better and in addition the seeds I scattered (green) have done amazingly well to the extent I now have another 60 odd plants.

Came home last night to find that the dogs had decided to run wild over the vege patch. No idea what had happened to make them do it but to say I was pee'ed off is more than a little understatement. They know, and obey, the agreement we have that they play on the grass and I play in the soil. In the end the damage is not too much but looks like I have lost a fair number of fennel and beetroot and a fair amount of damage to the young onions. Am sure in a few weeks things will have recovered but wasted an hour tidying things up. Is this my future once R pops?

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