Sunny Saturday

Early doors I nipped into Stirling for an appointment...I've not been about Stirling of late when places are open! So took the opportunity this morning for a quick beauty appointment.

School fete was next up. Did my stint on the balloon pop and let the school world see that Mr R does have another half and he's not quite rearing four children single just feels like that Mr R;-)

The remainder of the day we didn't stray from the garden. I haven't been feeling great since Thursday evening, the sun was shining, the kids were happy to amuse themselves on the trampoline, or the slide, or the base of the swing ball...which is what the wee fella is hovering over in the pic...great:-)

Es had her pal at the house for most of the day. They both arrived home after the fete and that was that until about Es was quite happy with some girl company.

Mr R finally sowed our sunflower this space! I did some data entry that I'd brought home from Aberdeen yesterday.

All in all apart from feeling crapola a chilled out Saturday in the sun...that always makes the difference.

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