Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Monday: Abject Disappointment

Today was a catch-up day, given I was out of the office most of last week.  I do wonder if people stack up decisions for me as there seemed to be a fair bit of tedious stuff waiting.

Our destresser at the end of the day is to head to the pool.  We were very disappointed today to find it was being ‘threated’ and we therefore couldn’t use it.  

As we’re on a cliff edge waiting for the last episode of ‘Ted Lasso’ on Wednesday we started watching ‘The Diplomat’ tonight.  I will now be really annoying and engage in some fact-checking:

- The new ambassador is summoned to the White House and told she’s going to London, with a plane waiting.  Apart from the fact that Ambassadors (sadly) don’t travel by private planes, you can’t just send someone at a moment’s notice.  The host country needs to accept the nomination which can take months;

- Prior to becoming Ambassador, our lead character was Deputy Chief of Mission in Beirut.  Yet she’s letting her Deputy Chief of Mission tell her how everything works like she’s never done the job before;

- The Foreign Secretary and our new Ambassador burst in on a meeting the Prime Minister is having in the Foreign Office.  There’s no way he’d have it there - there’s plenty of space at No 10, which is literally a 10 second walk behind the Foreign Office

On the plus side, the scenes filmed in the Foreign Office really were filmed in the building.

That’s it for episode 1.  Stand by for episode 2.  

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