Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Saying goodbye

Today was the reason I’m in Stornoway. A sizeable congregation, representing at least five Christian denominations, in the Church of Scotland because of numbers, said goodbye to Sister Clare, a wonderful priest, an Anglican nun, an inspiring mentor and friend.

The service was conducted by Bishop Kevin, formerly of this diocese, now Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, Clare’s old friend. He was wonderful. Bishop Keith, the current Bishop here, was there too. It was emotional, draining, unforgettable.

And now I’m sitting in the wee airport waiting for a flight that is delayed by 3 hours. We’re not expecting to leave till 10.15pm. Will a taxi take me home over the Rest? Will the flight ahead of ours get off before us? Will they bring out more sandwiches? (We’re not allowed to touch these ones - we’ve not been delayed two hours yet.) Maybe we’ll end up in Inverness …

But my phone is currently attached to a charging station which is home to the forbidden sandwiches and I shall cease

Blip shows the two bishops, obviously.

Quite a day.

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