Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

*Gasp* It's sunny in Belfast!

I've been pretty busy today. I took A to tech, went to Tesco to get chocolate to give Phil with his present. Then came home to get showered and ready.

Then I headed up to Ikea, as I needed to get a frame for a painting that my cousin got me for my birthday, it's a Captain American one that her friend made, it's amazing!

After that, I headed into town to meet Phil for lunch and present exchange. He got me Django Unchained on DVD, I can't wait to watch it. I then, headed up to uni to meet Lewis, then went for a walk through Botanic Gardens, where I took this pic, it was lovely.

I'm just home, watching The Fall, chilling out for a bit. I'm going to see The Big Wedding with Amanda later, can't wait. :)


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