
You may know Matera from the last Bond film but there’s much more to it - possibly the oldest inhabited place in Italy. 

We thoroughly enjoyed it. We came into the newer parts of the city and the old town slowly starts to reveal itself. Our first sight of the great hill and valley below was rather breathtaking. I wish I could show you the videos I took of this amazing place. If you get a chance to visit, seize that chance. I hope some of the extras give you a better sense of it all.

At one point it start to rain unexpectedly. We had chosen this day to visit because it had the best forecast so this was a little disappointing. Plus, it came just when we were looking for something to eat for lunch, but places were packed and we couldn’t find anything to eat. We were stood under an archway, wondering what to do, when along came a very cheery man with a selection of umbrellas and ponchos. He was offering a collection of rather dull looking umbrellas but was using a rainbow one. I asked how much for the one he was holding and he gave it to me for the same price as the boring ones. Suddenly, there was light! We felt emboldened to carry on and the rain stopped about half an hour later. I had always wanted a rainbow umbrella and this one arrived at just the right time! 

This is the last back blip of our trip to Italy. 

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