
By Rebekah

Happy Hava

Primark actually sells these glasses. Can you believe that?! This is Hava, looking happy.

And why is Hava looking so happy, you say? and why are you in primark, when you should be in the library, revising? .... becauseee... today I FINISHED MY DEGREE!!! Exams are DONE! The exam this morning was pretty stressful, but hey, it's done. Finally. My brain is feeling pretty fried.

Spent the afternoon today with George and Hava in Coventry- we had lunch at Nandos and saw the Hangover 3 at the cinema. So so nice to hang out and do something fun. Did I mention, we've finished??

About to play 'The Apprentice Drinking Game' with the girls: rules include having a drink every time Nick rolls his eyes, every time someone shouts unnecessarily, everytime Alan reminds us he has come from nothing, every cocky comment etc. I'll let you know how it goes, by how hungover I'll be tomorrow!

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