Purple Haze

Some job-hunting, housekeeping, and kitchen duties.

Then, from 16.00-18.00, went to a lively and heartwarming gathering of colleagues at the same bar we visited last January.  This time we sat outside.  Of course, we talked shop.  It was an intense discussion but with a lot of laughs.  Guilford Guy showed us a picture of his baby boy... such a cuddly little person!  AW drove me to the bar and picked me up again.  I did think of going by bike but I lost the key to the lock months ago and dare not leave it unsecured, and as the weather had been grey and wet for weeks on end I didn't think of getting a new lock.  Will do that one of these days.  Gerty and Harry footed the bill.  Thanks a lot, beautiful people!

Shot this flower box before the meet-up.  I wanted to focus on the purple flowers in the foreground but, apparently, Camille the Camera had other ideas.  She must have been slightly high.  Thankful for a lovely day!

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