Camping Day 3

Rain! Woken up at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and for the last time at 7 by heavy rain. It was warm at least during the night, but I didn't get much sleep!

The rain got into the tent too, but as we were coming home it wasn't too disastrous.

The rain stopped for a couple of hours while we had breakfast - sausage sandwiches and about six mugs of tea each, nectar! - and packed up.

Very sad to say goodbye to our friends who aren't going home but onto grandparents for the rest of the school hols. A few tears shed - the children promised each other to come back one day and carve their initials onto a tree.

We drove home in the pouring rain. We have a soaking wet tent and bags and bags of clothes that are either dirty, clean but soaked by the rain when it got into the tent, or just plain stinking of woodsmoke. Hats, coats, scarves - everything reeks of the smoke that smelled so nice in the outdoors but not so good any more!

The tent is drying over the bath, the groundsheet over the bannister, and there are piles of sleeping bags and laundry everywhere. But it will all have to wait until tomorrow. For the rest of the day, it's all about the sofa!

Looking at this picture makes me realise it's only a matter of time before I give into Betsy's pleas for her first pair of DM's, Dais and Ell look so great in theirs.

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