Knowle West Health Centre

I woke up with what I quickly recognised was a urinary tract infection, having had it once before. Immensely painful, and impossible to stray far from your loo. I was gobsmacked to get an appointment at the health centre almost straight away - with a nurse practitioner, rather than a doctor, tho there’s not much difference. She gave me an open prescription for antibiotics, which I could choose to order if I needed them, but not if I felt better quite soon. What a good idea! We briefly discussed that it’s not good for the world or the environment if we overuse antibiotics. Totally impressed with the whole experience. 
I had a quick wander into the open space beside the health centre, and found, clockwise: a pink hawthorn, a pathway with a glimpse through to part of south Bristol, an elder tree in blossom, and a view across to the city centre.

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