
By SilverImages

Stoke Lacy

“It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion.”
Bertrand Russell
The builder called around first thing, partly to collect payment for the underfloor work (in preparation for installing insulation), partly to finalise arrangements for the roofing work. He says he’ll be able to make a start in about two weeks time, which should be ideal because K will be dog-sitting around then.
Fairly last-minute decision to attend the ‘gathering’ of assorted seekers (dowsers, Oracle card readers, healers etc). My uncle was a dowser, used to get call-outs from the water board to help, and I was wondering if this was a family thing. Made it there just after the start, in time to lay out some books on the reception table (freebies for anyone interested, I’d read them and they were looking for new owners). Met J, who I’d met at Garway Templar Church a couple of months ago on a Blipmeet visit. Interesting conversations with others about their experiences of subtle energies and Dragon lines. All too soon I decided it was time to for me to leave – the decoration was calling!

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