And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

flew by.....

I can hardly believe its been a year! well it will be tomorrow. My beautiful niece will be a yr old. Been wrapping gifts for her today which were carefully selected. Sadly run out of gift wrap when it came to this lovely monkey and son.. Luckily found a old gift bag at the bottom of a drawer do hope her mum and mummy dont mind the old fashion style haha also got her some things from the beatrix potter shop in Bowness-on-Windermere plus a lovely little doll :) cant wait to see her face. So you can probably guess what tomorrows blip will be.

weight watchers this morning gained 2lb last week I expected a gain and lost this week I was good and I gained and I did a lot more walking too..
I will just carry on.

Its a big deal tomorrow as I have agreed to go to Bridies my sisters and her partners Jenny's for Fia's party and meet jenny's parents and family members this is difficult with my anxiety issues. I will do my hair put my face on and put a show on for an hour. It will take it out of me that is for sure but I have to think of Bridie and she really wants me there. No doubt in mind if I hadn't have lost the weight I have up until now I would not of been going. I missed Bridies 30th birthday for that reason and felt bad ever since. Hope I dont say or do something stupid haha will just keep busy with my camera :) had two walks so far today one with dave one on my own and where going to go for one after the football finishes.

mood rating 2 =HAPPY (still tired)

love c xxx

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