an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Antique Postcard

As its the school holidays I was off all day today. Again I took Girl to the posh cafe for a posh croissant, complete with egg cup of jam. Again she finished off the jam with a tea spoon and again I had to constantly remind her to keep her feet off the posh sofa.

I was on strong coffee on account of the day starting early with screams from Boy to get him that woke up Girl, who once is up refuses to let anyone else sleep. She is particularly testing us at the moment and today was to be no exception. After the poshness we trawled Albert Road and popped in all the shops we usually can not get into as we have a buggy. As we looked round the locally famous exciting and intriguing antiques shop the owner gave Girl some postcards for her to draw on.

After more trawling, with some small treats for Girl, we added Boy to our number and headed out for the rest of the day with friends. More strong coffee was needed to get through the day and the further testing. In fact I am not sure I have actually properly woken up at all today.

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