Windmill 'De Jager', Oud-Vossemeer

'Jager' = 'YAH-gur' = 'hunter' -- shot by the windmill huntress!
'Vossemeer' -- 'vos' = 'fox'
Built in 1850, the name was supposed to provide a counter to the name of the other mill, in Nieuw-Vossemeer, called 'De Vos' -- The hunter is hunting for the fox.  (Is that correct English?!?)  

Anyway, surrounding the mill are camping tents because the owner has converted the garden part of his property into a campsite for tourists and passers-by.  The sleeping tents are behind me but the large white one on the right is for eating.  Loud music could be heard coming from the tent, but it wasn't all that annoying.  You can't see it here, but the vanes were turning very rapidly in the strong wind.  I found myself wondering if this helped carry the sound waves far and wide.  For a quiet corner in the middle of some agricultural fields, it was quite a busy spot.

What made this hunt convenient was the fact that AW had a bridge tournament in the west, and after dropping him off, I could drive over here and take my shots.  Very fine weather, and more of the same has been promised for the coming week.

Thankful the schoolyear is coming to an end.  What a marvelous time I've had!  But it is time to close the files, one by one.  A burst of correction work coming up when the re-sat exams start pouring in, but I have been given the time to finish that.  Even better, I can continue working from home.  While I look forward to a new contract elsewhere as I keep busy job-searching, I think I would like a nice, lovely summer with no obligations.  The countdown began a month ago and it's now drumming in my ears.

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