
By ferryoons

The interconnectedness of things

Here we are at the restored Rogart Auction Mart. It was one of Sutherland's active trading markets till foot and mouth finished it off. Since then it was left to go derelict. You know I mumble on about my cattle droving forbears. Connection 1.

I chair the wind energy cooperative at the wind farm up the road. Rogart Development Trust had a grant from its Community Benefit fund to help put the mart back in good order, for community events. I wanted to see it. Connection 2. The whole place has been rebuilt, with new materials on the old footprint. Steel walls and roof in place of timber. Concrete floor in place of cobbles. The ring and surrounding seats are newly made to the old pattern. So why, why, does the familiar smell of a cattle market (basically damp straw and cow manure) linger so strongly? Fascinating.

We also wanted to see the exhibition being held on saving the planet, with the intention of engaging with children. Not that the planet needs saving; it will survive in one form or another. Rather it's the environment on the planet needs saving from the stupidity of mankind, and mankind needs to understand that. Children had written letters to the Earth, with many on display. The extras show that the kids get it, and they are probably the best ones to cajole their parents. My expectations hadn't been high, but the maturity of expression and feeling in so many of the letters was affecting.

We were there at the same time as the children from the local Primary School. I used to be a Highland Councillor here (Connection 3) and I asked the Head Teacher if she would like me to organise a visit to the wind farm. Yes, she said, so that'll be Connection 4 in due course.

And the young man curating the exhibition as part of his academic work is doing research on community placemaking requirements in the Far North. We were able to unload so many information sources on the thoroughly interconnected issues needing to be addressed simultaneously, he and we are going to talk further. Delighted to help. Connection 5.

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