
By blueredgreen

Blip for Igor

Spent today cataclysmically hungover today, having to also suffer an 8-hour shift. Never again.

More significantly, today marks the centenary of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring premiere, where he unleashed the monstrous work to a supposedly apoplectic Parisian audience. Spring in Russia is rather violent, Stravinsky recalled the thunderous sound of sheets of ice cracking which would echo through the cities. One hundred years on, "The Rite" sounds just as brutal and modern as ever, I'm constantly finding new things I like in the work each time I listen to it. Hats off to you, Igor, for creating such a groundbreaking work!

Pictured is a very different musical anniversary: Tennents celebrate 20 years of T in the Park this year. As a testament to that, I photographed a can next to a graveyard. Read into it what you will.

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