Vivi e lascia vivere

Had to Google Rabbit Nutrition for this shot. 

We have extra lipote harvest from my aunt's Amhi tree in our fridge (Gramma and Gramps like it for anti-oxidants) but am not sure whether I could feed it to Olivia the bunny : T's third bunny that he only remembers to feed and notice during special occasions: power outage, boredom and his phone's battery giving up. 

It is Gramps' ___ day today however since Gramma is unable to walk far and go up to T's preferred place to have family dinner, we're just going to T's favorite local diner to have some food to-go. 

T mentioned over dinner last night that he wants to hold a "15 minute funeral service" for his now "unalive" phone . No idea what he's planning to do or how he will conduct said service but relented in exhaustion. Attempted to empathize with his grief over what he considers "lost family" by mentioning Jessica Zafra (who has written in one of her Twisted books that she names all her gadgets). He then commented that whoever Jessica is, she is someone way cooler than me. 

When I showed this photo to B, he thought it's ChewB in the background but in reality, it is really Olivia. It took bravery in my end to lift her cage carefully and make sure she (the bunny) does not jump in my face while I was feeding her and composing this shot with the tiny cat from Monopoly.

Title is Italian for "Live and let live."

*Bokeh added in post process to celebrate the 8 years of Tiny Tuesday*
Have a good one! 

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