Capture through the bedroom window!
Today has been a busy one ( well morning & early afternoon ) house chores called, amongst which was cleaning the fridge & throwing away many jars almost empty ? But this took me a long time , yet rewarding.
About 3 pm my bestie friend came for a cuppa & chat , we hadn’t seen each other since before Easter. It was lovely to sit & chat, when she went I couldn’t believe it
Was 5.30pm on glancing at clock again I realised I was wrong, oh no, it was 6.35 pm gosh that was a shock but a lovely one.
When we looked out of the window soon after C arrived I saw a Woodpecker on the fat balls, what a lovely surprise after months of not seeing ANY birds . Whether he/she.comes back again remains to be seen.
Do hope you’ve all had a good day. I’ve felt quite chilly today the temperature only reached 14%c here , which was a shock after yesterday when it was 19/20% c .
Hope you’re enjoying your evening.


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