Carers week

This week is carer’s week, which highlights and celebrates the millions of people who care for friends and family who live with mental, physical and cognitive health issues.

I have been working on a series of photographs that explore the emotional impact on me of caring for J. Several of these have featured in earlier blips. Today I shared a couple of the final images more widely. 

And today highlights some of the challenges. I had slept really well (I am exhausted and the gp prescribed me some antidepressants last week that conveniently have the side effect of helping me sleep). When I headed downstairs about 8am, I found a very confused J in the porch outside, having locked the door behind him, trying to reopen the door with the wrong key on the bunch. Fortunately he was easily persuaded to bring the keys across to an open window and give them to me so I could then unlock the door. Then several other times of confusion and agitation during the day. Of course he was relaxed and lucid when the nurse arrived for another assessment visit. I think we are inching closer towards a solution, though it seems incredibly slow.

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