A Cat's Life

Well I was putting some nibbles out on the bird table hoping to get a shot of some birdy's then along came Pepe the cat that adopted us some 18 months ago so I knew then the birds would stay away so I waited for Pepe to get comfy as he loves it when the sun shines to lay on the artificial lawn I have and waited for him to get comfy so I lay down in front of him waiting for the perfect pose and I think this one was really nice of my wee cat he is very easy going and just likes to be petted and fussed over and a hearty meal and a bed for the day or night but now the better weather is here he is out most of the night and generally has a sleep at some point through the day in the house it's a cats life indeed so I'm off to work to do very little at the moment with a railway medical scheduled shortly to assess if I can go back in the cab but in a non driving capacity until my assessment back at the hospital at the end of June to see If I have my sleep apnea under control well the machine seems to be doing it's stuff as I do seem to be getting better sleep now so hopefully not long before I'm back in the driving seat of the train and my car as I'm not aloud to drive that either at the moment but it's not a problem I enjoy my walking I did a long walk the other day on my day off which was very pleasurable and at least 10/ 11 miles covered so movie for the day is "The Cat Came Back 1988" See Ya. Best Viewed LARGE !

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