Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

1 Down 7 to Go

1 Down 7 to Go

Our friends and neighbours Tim and Liz  gave me some old cameras and filters a while ago. One of the items was a Polaroid OneStep 600, manufacturing date circa 2012. I decided to give it a go and Mr Amazon delivered the film the other day.

I have not used a polaroid camera since my mum and dad had theirs. Mum had a Polaroid Land Camera and Dad had the Kodak version. His camera became obsolete when Polaroid won the patent law suit back in 1985 and Kodak had to withdraw their camera and film from the market. (I think they are both in the loft!!)

Instant film cameras are still popular. My daughter Frances and her family have a ‘Star Wars’ Polaroid camera and a couple of Christmases ago Sue and I bought Granddaughter Gemma a Fujifilm Instax.

Here is my first shot today. 1 taken 7 to go.

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