Further my skills

By H0tamer


We had a meeting with two Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and a mixture of Landseer (75%) and Saint Bernard (25%) (according to his owners). We met at and in the Gersprenz.
The mix was no fan of water, but with so much good examples, especially of Caspar, he overcame his fear and in the end ran through the water and jumped into it just like the others.
Later a couple of other dogs joined, all in the eyes of their owners "big" dogs, but small compared to the friendly giants. Caspar with his 8 months and the mix with his 11 months were already significantly bigger. And the male Pyrenean Mountain Dog was just a Big Friendly Giant. He only had to warn the mix to control his hormones a bit, something Caspar did too, warn. We had not seen that before, so the puber was a bit too annoying.

I guess we will meet again. But I think it would be better to limit the number of dogs, will make it easier. And less impressive for bypassers with or without dogs.

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