Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Huddersfield A - Z - Lindley Clock Tower

This was the very first thing I Blipped, on the day I joined.

2 months later and the weather is not much better!

Anyway, there was a gap in the clouds for about 5 minutes, and luckily for me this is my laziest A-Z - the clock tower is at the top of my road. I legged it up there and got about 3 shots in before the patch of blue disappeared. I am 2 weeks into this A - Z thing and the whole time we had 2 sunny days. Still, enough whinging!

The clock tower was built at the turn of the 20th century, in an arts and crafts style by Edgar Wood. He also designed this, which I Blipped in the snow the next day!

You can climb to the top of the tower several times a year, I have done it and didn't like it as there are just a few knotty floorboards separating one from an 80 foot drop.

The gargoyles represent a lazy dog, a cunning dog, a vicious dog and a greedy dog. I only have one of those. However, lazy or not, she has taken to awaking at 3am, and then crying until I give in and let her come upstairs and climb into bed with me (this morning I held out until 6am). I have made a very big rod for my back!!

Song - a massive guilty pleasure of mine.

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