Choose Joy

By Energia

Pride DC

I went to Pride but I didn’t want to take and post any pictures of the people celebrating in case it seemed that I was calling them silly. (Exception in the extra.)

Instead I will call out the people who thought they could come into our house, on our day, and preach hate, and then - silly them - profess to be surprised when I called them out for preaching hate. 

People like this aren’t content to dooming American children to mental distress and suicide and changing laws to deny them rights and health care. They have spread it to Africa and are directly culpable for Uganda’s Kill the Gays bill.

People like this are not harmless. 

But, to add some levity, I saw this man’s shirt and laughed out loud and asked if I could take his picture. He hopped up and smiled. 

The dark sky park that I checked out closes at dusk. No really. Yes, that is crazy. I’m going to go to a park that probably isn’t dark enough to see anything but it is only 30 minutes away. Shenandoah is 2 hours away. I’m going to try a town that isn’t far enough away to probably see anything, but they have an observatory and are holding an event, so it is low effort.

Iceland will suspend embassy operations in Russia because of an "all-time low" level of commercial, cultural and political relations. 

The UK will provide an extra £16 million of humanitarian aid following the destruction of the dam and the flooding. Boats, community water filters, water pumps and waders are expected to arrive there next week. 
The UK-led Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine has delivered two specialist rescue boats, search and rescue equipment, and trauma medicine to Kherson to assist the ongoing rescue operations.
The Alexeyevsky municipal district is on the border of Russia. Blasts and attacks on their infrastructure have become nearly a daily event. 
There was a woman and her two children trapped in an attic as a result of the flooding caused by destruction of the dam. They’d been there for a day and were running out of food. She heard a drone, reached out the window, and indicated the number of people and the lack of food and water. The drone came back and brought food and water in multiple trips and a message taped to a plastic bottle. "Hang in there. No panic. You will be evacuated. Santa," 

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