
By Legacy

Hamster Fun

Well, it's Pride month here in the U.S. so there are rainbows everywhere!  Today Rob, Laurie and I went to the Handcrafted Fair in Bloomington.  It was very crowded and hot so we didn't stay long.  Once we found our target booth, The PipSqueakery, we headed for home with a few treasures, this wonderful little hamster pin included.  

The PipSqueakery is a rescue organization, saving hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits who are at risk.  They are treated if necessary and re-homed and adopted.  I would adopt a hamster but I probably should wait until I have my own place before I acquire a rodent.  Rob is a gracious host but I think adding a hamster to his home might be pushing the limit of his tolerance.  Lizzie wouldn't care one way or the other.  

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