
By bgleyna


Walked with the family to take Zion and Allegra to school.
Enjoyed our traditional small batch roasted coffee at Under Pressure with Deb and Sam.
I did a brief scouting out the Sutton Charity shops while D helped Deb to sort out Bryn’s finances.
Took Bryn out for coffee at Asda
I had a Panettone - my new favorite since I read a book at Sam’s about how it is made. I have a new respect for this bread now! It’s a very long and precise process.

Arrived at Eaton Hall Farm, Northwich in the afternoon and found that it was in a very nice rural setting but had very basic facilities. No showers, no clothes washing or dishwashing - only one toilet. We thought it would be a nice place to go for a long country walk, but the weather thought otherwise! As soon as we arrived it started raining, which hampered the setting up process. We enjoyed a brief spell of lovely sunshine when we sat outside our van and enjoyed a brief relaxing time with an aperitif. Then a huge storm rolled in, with thunder and lightning while D cooked dinner.
Quite dramatic!

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