
By Wildwood

Greeter Dog

He has a face only a mother could love, yet everybody loves the greeter dog. He sits right in the middle of the doorway of North Bay Bavarian where we take our car for service. He moves only when he is, er, moved to do so, but he's not very big, so everybody seems happy to skirt around him. He did get a little ticked off when I was taking his picture, got up, moved three feet, stretched elaborately, and resumed his post as soon as I got out of his way. Apparently he is well aware of the fact that the checkered floor and the blue rug suit him.

We barely had time to get home before they called to say that the lights, which had been coming and going at odd intervals, forcing us to change our itinerary from Crater Lake to the BMW dealer in Medford, Oregon, were due to a slow leak in the "overflow reservoir" and a nail in the tire. The car is old, and I suspect we will be seeing more and more of the greeter dog in the future. Perhaps he can teach me his secret for sitting with his leg turned completely backward.

OilMan thinks the leak in the irrigation system at the white house has been fixed, so the leak spirits have been placated for the time being. Still working on the communication spirits, which are proving to be more stubborn...

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