Happy Moments

By ApolloFly


Another hot day, but managed all my chores both house and office without too much trouble this morning and also a satisfying not too hot dog walk.
After lunch met Nicoiseannie at The Lodge, the HQ of the RSPB.

We walked down to the main house and garden. To be honest it could do with a bit of TLC. Maybe lack of funds/volunteers? Not sure, anyway, we sat for a few minutes at the bottom of the garden and as luck would have it, I got a reasonable shot of a Robin posing in the tree in front of us.

Also, in extras, a fabulous deep red azalea. But mostly they are ‘gone over’ now.

Then we went to nearby Walkin for some refreshments. Not as much nattering as normal as the owner G who I know was there and she doesn’t stop talking. However I’m sure we will make up for it another time :-)

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