
I stopped in to pick up my measuring stick from a client in Limekilns.  I did a survey there a couple of weeks ago and left it there - only noticed when I went to do another survey a few days later.  I have had the stick since I was a student so it's been with me a while (30 years or so!)!!!  I was glad to have it back as I ordered a new one which can't take it's own weight and bends when you use it. Doh!

I also stopped in to see a completed 2 storey extension in Dalgety Bay and to take photos for my website.  It looks good even if I do say so myself!

Aonghus was in good fettle this morning so we managed a teeny weeny bit further than we have the last few days which is good because it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hot for a second walk at 5pm.  Cooler now but he's too pooped for a walk!

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