
By KateH

Under the roses

A huge tangle of roses climb through a viburnum tree and every year it has looked different.  There are at least four different ones but I think this is the first time I’ve had many of these pale pink ones.  I can’t identify any of them except maybe a huge rambling Wedding Day. We can’t use this gate at the moment and I will lop them back once flowering has finished but wouldn’t you want to enjoy every single flower!  My smaller, newer roses bushes have done so badly despite watering but the older established roses have flowered so freely and profusely.  Including one by the cars that, in fairly deep shade under the beech tree has only ever produced one or two blooms. 

Day in the barn office confronting the post production schedule.  And then in the afternoon brother 2  came over for lunch  and we discussed care for our mother.  I met up with s-in-law later and visited somewhere rather nice.  

Vikram came back early from teaching and is still felled by his asthma attack.  We had a quiet evening and finished Ted Lasso.  This season has been very patchy but it had a good ending.  

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