the blink of an eye

By weedave

Dark and Light

today was a good day...busy but good

I awoke to sound of bird song and the sweet melody of summer....aye right !!!
I awoke to the sound of bird song
I awoke

I jumped out of bed , flung open the curtains and greeted the morning sun as it rose before me

I crawled out of bed and peeked out to see if it was dry

ok at this rate it will be war and peace by the time I get to dinner time but I felt I had to try and put a flourish of energy back into my Blips as they have been slightly lacking of late , my mojo has been de-mojified ( does that make it a mo or a jo?)

did a job for a friend today.... then cut my grass and put up my tent ( needed an airing plus might try waterproofing it tomorrow night ..woop woop things I get up to when left alone !!!)

needless to say missed a thousand opportunities today to take pics as running about daft .... need to organise my self better ( stick camera to head ) this was taken about half an hour ago.... it is the cherry ttree at the bottom of my garden being lit by the front security light

hope all is well with you ... thanks for comments etc will try reply /catch up tomorrow night

on a good note ...mum is getting home tomorrow !!!!


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